Docker has become an integral tool in the world of software development, providing a lightweight and efficient way to package, distribute, and run applications. Whether you're a seasoned Docker user or just getting started, mastering these essential commands will streamline your Docker workflow. Let's dive in!
1. Install Docker:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
Make sure to follow the official documentation for installation on your specific operating system.
2. Verify Installation:
$ docker --version
$ docker info
Ensure that Docker is installed correctly and view detailed information about the Docker installation.
3. Pull Docker Image:
$ docker pull imageName:tag
Download a Docker image from Docker Hub. Replace imageName:tag
with the desired image and version.
4. List Docker Images:
$ docker images
Display a list of locally available Docker images.
5. Run a Container:
$ docker run imageName:tag
Start a container based on the specified image.
6. Run in Detached Mode:
$ docker run -d imageName:tag
Run a container in the background (detached mode).
7. List Running Containers:
$ docker ps
View a list of running containers.
8. List All Containers:
$ docker ps -a
Show all containers, including those that are stopped.
9. Stop a Running Container:
$ docker stop containerID
Gracefully stop a running container. Replace containerID
with the actual container ID.
10. Remove a Container:
$ docker rm containerID
Delete a stopped container. Use the -f
flag to force removal of a running container.
11. Execute a Command Inside a Running Container:
$ docker exec -it containerID command
Run a command inside a running container. The -it
flag allows interaction with the container.
12. Container Logs:
$ docker logs containerID
View the logs of a specific container.
13. Container Statistics:
$ docker stats containerID
Display a live stream of a container's resource usage.
14. Inspect Container:
$ docker inspect containerID
Get detailed information about a container, including configuration and network settings.
15. Container Shell Access:
$ docker exec -it containerID /bin/bash
Open a shell inside a running container for debugging or exploration.
16. Build Docker Image:
$ docker build -t imageName:tag path/to/Dockerfile
Build a Docker image from a specified Dockerfile.
17. Remove Docker Image:
$ docker rmi imageName:tag
Delete a local Docker image.
18. Port Mapping:
$ docker run -p hostPort:containerPort imageName:tag
Map a host port to a container port.
19. Volume Mounting:
$ docker run -v /host/path:/container/path imageName:tag
Mount a host directory into a container.
20. Network Inspection:
$ docker network inspect networkName
View details about a Docker network.
21. Create a Docker Network:
$ docker network create networkName
Create a custom Docker network.
22. Remove a Docker Network:
$ docker network rm networkName
Delete a Docker network.
23. Docker Compose Up:
$ docker-compose up
Start services defined in a Docker Compose file.
24. Docker Compose Down:
$ docker-compose down
Stop and remove services defined in a Docker Compose file.
25. Build and Run with Docker Compose:
$ docker-compose up --build
Rebuild images and start services.
26. List Docker Compose Containers:
$ docker-compose ps
List containers related to a Docker Compose project.
27. Docker Compose Logs:
$ docker-compose logs serviceName
View the logs of a specific service in a Docker Compose project.
28. Docker Compose Scale:
$ docker-compose up --scale serviceName=3
Scale a service to run a specified number of replicas.
29. Docker Compose Variables:
$ export VAR_NAME=value $ docker-compose up
Use environment variables in a Docker Compose file.
30. Docker Compose Override:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.override.yml up
Use an override file to customize a Docker Compose configuration.
31. Docker Hub Login:
$ docker login
Log in to Docker Hub.
32. Docker Hub Logout:
$ docker logout
Log out from Docker Hub.
33. Docker Image Tagging:
$ docker tag imageName:tag newImageName:newTag
Tag a local image with a new name and/or tag.
34. Docker Image Push:
$ docker push newImageName:newTag
Push a Docker image to a container registry.
35. Search Docker Hub for images
$ docker search ImageName
List existing images matching ImageName
36. Docker Prune:
$ docker system prune
Remove all stopped containers, unused networks, and dangling images.
37. Show the history of an image:
$ docker history ImageName
Show the history of the image
38. Docker Disk Usage:
$ docker system df
Display Docker disk usage information.
39. Docker Pause/Unpause:
$ docker pause containerID
$ docker unpause containerID
Pause and unpause a running container.
40. Docker Export/Import:
$ docker export containerID > container.tar
$ docker import container.tar newImageName:newTag
Export and import a container as a tarball.
41. Docker Events:
$ docker events
Show real-time events from the Docker daemon.